Inculcation of a Smart and System Oriented Work Culture

Today's employees prefer job satisfaction, freehand to work, recognition and work-life balance over the position and remuneration. However, it has been observed that people at the shopfloor as well as in senior management are struggling to meet the day-to-day results even in the leading organizations.

The conventional thinking is, Workers have to work and Management is there to control and command them, which does not give the desired outcome on long term basis. Whereas the 'Toyota Way' says, the products are made by the Workers and Management is there to train, support and lead them. In fact, each level has to respect, trust & support the lower level for a very cordial and productive environment.

That is called the 'Reverse Triangle' of the 'Toyota Way'. It is a tried and tested system for assured results. The founder has a long and hands on experience of implementing it very successfully

Further, it has become imperative to switch to paperless manufacturing to monitor and track shop floor operations on real time basis. That is done through 'Digitization', which is the process of converting manufacturing systems into a digital format, using smart technologies and tools. When implemented correctly, digitization increases product efficiency, worker productivity, and overall accuracy.

We also believe in getting assured results through correct processes based on Respect, Mutual Trust and Teamwork, so that the senior management need not worry about day- to-day output / issues and can focus on the strategic and long-term matters for future growth, through:

  1. Introduction of a concept of 'Team Leaders' and 'Group Leader' in a suitable ratio on the shopfloor, to closely help and support the Workers who are adding value to the products. This concept is most suitable for the manufacturing plants, especially those which have floating manpower.
  2. Clearly defining the roles & responsibilities (with minimum overlaps) of each level of employees (including workers), training the employees and implementation for a smooth functioning of the plant.
  3. Guiding the organizations to effectively implement Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment) which clarifies the targets & action plans for each employee who in turn contributes to achievement of the company goals.
  4. Evaluating and guiding manufacturing plants on digital solutions to help their workforce operate at the highest safety, quality, and productivity levels.
  5. Training and implementation of an effective 'Daily Work Management' system.
  6. Establishing a two-way communication between employees and management, through the normal channel, facilitating timely and amicable resolutions on the issues before those become grievances.